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Emotional Regulation

Managing emotions (& anger) for better relationships at work and home

Ramesh is a CTO in a Multi-National company. He came to Innermined to understand his anger and wanted to learn how to manage it. He is a soft-spoken, helpful, and kind person however anytime he saw something unjust he felt himself snapping and this was a major concern as it was affecting his personal relationships as well as professional ones.
With emotional Intelligence coaching, he was able to understand the reason for his “snap”. He realized that unjust actions didn’t sit well with his core values, and he took notice of his inner conflict. He was even able to pinpoint the thoughts that led back to his subconscious beliefs. Along with the guidance of his coach, he was able to design many strategies that not only helped him control his anger in such situations but prevented him from emotional outbursts.
Ramesh gained an insightful perspective and a bank of strategies to grow emotionally stronger. He is now heading the Technology vertical in a Fortune 500 with a happy personal and professional life.

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