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How to Feel Authentic While Building Your Personal Brand


Authentic leaders

What do you feel about self-promotion? Are you comfortable highlighting your strengths and achievements in normal day-to-day conversations? Most people feel uncomfortable about it. There's an uneasy, even dishonest, vibe to this whole situation.

However, a lot of businesses and artists are recognized and appreciated when they know how to promote themselves well.

Have you ever thought about what is the trait that people remember you most by? How would you like to be remembered by people around you? Would you like to be remembered as a successful career boss! Or a loving mother? Or a very kind-hearted person? How do you go about carrying yourself and what is the personal brand that you promote?

When trying to sell themselves, people are concerned that they are giving off a false impression or an idealistic version of themselves. However the highest level of authenticity is necessary for great selling. How would you describe the authenticity in this?

Make Your Qualities Into Stories

According to Suzanne Muchin, co-host of a podcast- The big payoff, “That authenticity comes from our experiences and stories of the past. By telling stories, you are able to communicate your values, convictions, ambitions, strengths, and goals”

Storytelling is one of the greatest skills you can use to stand out. Let’s look at how we can do this. The most common mistake we make when trying to sell ourselves is relying on a list of attributes to define our strengths and ambitions. The same old list of adjectives- adaptable, creative, hardworking, organized, etc.

When asked to describe themselves, people tend to repeat the same boring adjectives over and over again. Creating and advertising your personal brand isn’t about just defining your personal and professional strengths with a list of words. What if you were to state your attributes in the form of a story.

A story that shows how you came to be like that, a life lesson that taught you the importance of a skill/ value/ belief. That is what sets you apart from the rest. We all are unique, we all have been a part of a unique story that sets up apart from others. You should be able to unravel and aptly flaunt this experience. Flaunting the experience will allow you to connect with others and build your personal brand.

Be Prepared to Feel Uncomfortable

You must be prepared to be uncomfortable. It's not just about socializing. It's all about delving into your past to discover what makes you unique.

What makes us who we are is very unique. You may not even realize that there are certain values or beliefs that are very dear to you and you will not compromise on them at all. It takes a truckload of energy really diving in deep trying to put into words- our values, our beliefs that shape us. Many people feel uncomfortable or even lazy going on this self- discovery train journey.

When you are networking, the trick is to strike a balance between oversharing and under sharing on the spot. Reaching this sweet spot is difficult. Thus it’s always better to prepare before you do this. Under sharing will prevent people from relating to you and oversharing can get uncomfortable. Preparing a few stories that promote your attributes and values is a good practice. You can use your communication skills to ease into conversations that will allow you to connect with people and promote your personal brand.

Have A Strategy and Exercise Discipline

The next challenge is figuring out how to include stories that support your personal brand into talks at networking events, job interviews, and other situations when you're trying to market yourself. Every response you give is an opportunity for you to share a personal story.

Whenever you enter a room ask yourself- What is my strategy? What is the type of conversation I want to engage in? What personal brand is the best to promote here?

It does require effort to build a personal brand and the stories that make it successful. But the benefits go beyond your professional life. More than this, it allows you to connect and inspire people.

Along with this, talking about yourself, while being vulnerable gives you a boost in confidence and helps release pleasant hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, making you happier. And we all know happiness is the way to success!


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