We are all born with the urge to be curious, If you notice babies, they are curious about everything, They will want to touch everything and know what it is. As kids, everything is new to them, every small change in environment, materials, experiences, tastes, smells, music, etc.
Then comes an age where children are introduced to institutions that dictate routines and structures limiting the ability to freely explore. The wonder begins to dissolve and we trade that for a space in this regimented structure.
The schools are getting difficult, there is abundant of information imparted and exams every few weeks. The children are forced to stop acting their age and focus on attaining a good score so that they can get into a better college, then a better workplace, This never ends. The excitement of exploration, learning something new turns into mundane tasks set with a timer. All of the time children used to spend exploring has been replaced by expectations, duties, and responsibilities. We lose our desire to explore as we fall into habits and patterns, and we rarely make time for our playful hearts to be free.
Cultivating Curiosity
As we grow older, we form habits, routines and goals. We have so many tasks to do in a day we often forget to really explore something we find interesting. We are bound by societal structures telling us what is good or bad, What course of actions, what education is good for our future and what is not. What we must wear, how productive do we have to be to be considered a valuable asset to our family and society?
We are conditioned to live up to the standards of the rigid society. Society and institutions even shape our thinking, limiting it, What comes to your mind when you think of creativity? When you think of this word, you may think of painting, opera, and museums. Isn’t creativity just the use of imagination and the creation of original ideas? This would include creating products- It could be as small as a sippy cup- well designed to be leakproof, It could be the creation of a new teaching method, It could be creating a new game. Designing a course, Writing a new book or even a small quote. Your local electrician could be a creative man! Finding ways to equip you with functional electricity at your house.
When you change your perspective and discover a new way to look at something, when you put together a new room arrangement, rearrange your cupboards, or even when you buy new furniture for your space, you are tapping into your creativity. There are numerous forms of creativity, and each of us will have our own way of expressing ourselves.
Reconnecting with your curious self, allowing yourself to think and express without limitation opens endless possibilities. It will allow you to be playful and happy activating your frontal cortex. The more you indulge in creative thing the better you will be in creating new ideas!
We are caught in the demands of our lives, We get engrossed in our daily tasks, to-do lists and routines. So much so that we forget to listen to ourselves of even pay attention to our creative instincts. External sounds and messages become so loud that we lose touch with the inner voices that communicate with us.
Our connection with our creative self is important as Creativity connects us to inspiration, purpose, joy, and liberation. There is no truer bliss than being in connect with your inner self. If you look deep, you may notice that creating something new makes you feel accomplished and happy.
Take a moment to reflect on how you can allow yourself to be guided by your curiosity.
What would your life look like if you encountered everything with the mind of a beginner, exploring everything as if it were completely brand new?
How can you give yourself permission to explore and enjoy yourself, without the need to achieve any goal or outcome?
When I experience joy, what sensations do I feel in my body? Is it in my chest- a feeling of pride and happiness or Is it in My hands? Or my throat?
We live in an enormous and beautiful world, Simply confining yourself to one mundane routine throughout your life doesn’t make logical sense. Living daily life, week after another, month after another, we forget that there is something else beyond this routine. Make it a habit to break out of this routine every once in a while to connect with your inner child. Allow curiosity, joy, and your deepest desires to guide you as you tune into your creative spirit.